I spent the summer designing a book of my most recent project, The Zone. The book itself measures 8in high by 10in wide. It contains 36 photographs across 44 pages with statements on the work and the park. To make sure the design came together, I proofed it and made changes based on the results. This is my first go at making a book of my work, so I asked the help of Bob Marsters, a fellow photographer with a background in publishing. Bob taught me about copy and how better design the type included in the book. I cannot thank him enough for his help and support on this project. 


The next step is publish the book. In order to do so, I am planning a Kickstarter Campaign to raise the funds. The campaign will be a way for my audience to pre-order the book and support me at the same time. Ordering a larger number of books is a win/win for everyone because I can sell them at a better price. I can also market the book to local vendors, and have the inventory to support any orders. The whole process is super exciting. Yes, it is a lot of work to get the campaign off the ground but I am confident in the goal and rewards I designed in exchange for donations.


I am having some fun with design while planning the campaign. To reward any donation of five dollars to more, I will mail out a set of stickers. I designed five custom stickers specifically to go with the Kickstarter. They measure three inches wide and will be printed using glossy paper. I ordered a test set to proof the color and type. They arrived as I am typing this post. This is all very exciting. I plan to launch the Kickstarter the first week of October and run it for three weeks. We will see how it goes. With any luck, I will be able to mail copies of the book out to arrive before Christmas.